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computerpulse 05-23-2019 01:47 PM

Dealer cannot help! 2000 Jeep cherokee
Is there a canceling Cam for the blinkers on this truck? If so does anyone have a part number? And if there’s not what cancels the blinker? I cannot find anything on the parts list, for canceling Cam and or spring

fb97xj1 05-23-2019 02:25 PM

If you mean the turn signals, the tabs on back of the clockspring are probably broken. >

dave1123 05-23-2019 02:27 PM

Yep, that's a fact.

computerpulse 05-23-2019 03:10 PM

I have had two part houses tell me the clock spring does not cancel the blinkers. But they couldn’t tell me what does. Dealer was no help either. Anyone of you actually broke down a XJ steering column 97 to 2001? And can guarantee it’s the clockspring? If so I’ll Order the part

computerpulse 05-23-2019 03:19 PM

I just watched a video of replacing the clock spring and it showed the blinker switch tab sitting right there once the clock spring was removed, so I have to say that the clock spring does control canceling blinkers.

fb97xj1 05-23-2019 04:27 PM

Buy or rent a steering wheel puller if you do not have one. Disconnect the battery and wait a bit before pulling the airbag. Some have pulled the airbag without and never had an issue, but it is a safety precaution, which is covered in the FSM. I wait 30 minutes. Carry the airbag facing away from you, and store the airbag face up on a non conductive surface. I never had an issue with static discharge servicing an airbag, but there is a first time for everything.

Waynerd 05-23-2019 06:18 PM

Recently posted

Ralph77 05-24-2019 01:47 AM

Try to make sure the wheels are straight too. If you do it that way when you pull the clock spring there are two holes that should be lined up. Or very close to lining up. It is OK to rotate the clock spring a small bit to get them to line up if they are a little off. Put a zip tie through it. This will be to keep it in place while doing the mod at the link Waynerd posted. You do not want the clock spring rotating out of position. There is a re-centering procedure if that does happen though. Last when you put everything back together and go to start the Jeep for the first time do it from the passenger seat. Just because. LOL.

downs 05-24-2019 12:53 PM

Dont expect too much from a parts monkey at a big box store. Your best bet at those places are the older guys who do that as a retirement gig.

The last XJ left the dealer 18 years ago or so. Even if you were a brand new mechanic back then you'd be pushing 20 years on the job many have probably retired. In other words the knowledge base for the older Jeeps is just not there and they dont know. I had a Jeep shop foreman swear up and down that you had to drop the transmission to do a rear main seal on a 4.0.

burkett.j 05-24-2019 01:15 PM

As is the popular opinion in this thread, the clock spring is supposed to cancel your turn signal. I had a similar issue a while back. Replace that and you will be fine.

dave1123 05-24-2019 01:55 PM

Chances are that clockspring will need to be replaced soon anyhow. It contains the wiring for the airbag and any steering wheel electrical controls, like cruise or radio functions. IDK about the radio controls in an XJ, but the ZJs and WJs sometimes have them. The conductors (wires) are glued to a strip of nylon and flex with every turn of the wheel and sooner or later they break. I lost my airbag circuit at around 165K miles in my WJ. I was deathly afraid of that airbag, so I had the dealer change it for $625. Later I found out you can do it yourself without any problems.

dave1123 05-24-2019 02:08 PM

I lucked out with my dealer's parts manager. He's owned jeeps all his life and he still has a CJ5! The shop manager is an idiot and the service manager is just a suit. If your jeep is more than 5 years old, they don't want to work on it. If it's lifted, they'll send you across town to another jeep dealer who will. That's what I get for living in an upper class town. I actually saw a Bentley in traffic today!

alpine.adrenaline 05-24-2019 02:30 PM

If it's an issue with not canceling when you straighten your steering, just replace the signal assembly (part # DS-988). It's easy (no steering wheel removal) and you don't have to mess with the clockspring, which is probably not the problem.

The link above may lead you to believe this is the dimmer switch by your left knee, but it's just the turn signal and hazard.

Here's a write-up. It shows how to do both the clockspring and signal assembly.

computerpulse 05-24-2019 03:22 PM

Lol thanks for the advice
Thanks for the advice

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